Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Bang, Bang, I am the warrior!

Last night I read the Dynamite Comics adaptation of The Warriors. I was disappointed. I think the movie lends itself well to adaptation, but the adaptation wasn't a very good one.
The writing was lackluster and didn't do a very good job of conveying who was who within the story.

But the biggest letdown was the artwork by Chris Dibari. It just was not quite ready for prime-time. The action scenes were really badly handled, which for this story is a death-knell. Then the art was handled by a different artist for the last issue, which seemed really unprofessional. When there are personnel changes in a miniseries, it just feels like the editor didn't have his shit together. The publisher couldn't have been too much under the gun to rush out their adaptation of a film from 1979. Why not take the extra time and publish a professional product?

I haven't read a lot by Dynamite and I know they have some big shots that have done work for them (Kevin Smith, Garth Ennis, Matt Wagner), but sometimes they feel like a modern day Charlton, putting out lots of fair to middlin' books and occasionally (almost accidentally) stumbling upon greatness.